Sacconi Quartet at Keswick Music Society

Sacconi Quartet

Ben Hancox violin, Hannah Dawson violin
Robin Ashwell viola, Cara Berridge cello

The award-winning Sacconi Quartet have been recognised as one of the UK’s foremost string quartets since they were founded in 2001, and still comprise the four founding members.

Performing with style and commitment, the quartet are known for their creativity, integrity of interpretation and their shared passion for the string quartet repertoire, infectiously reaching out to audiences with their energy and enthusiasm.

They enjoy a busy international career, performing regularly throughout Europe, at London’s major venues, in recordings and on radio broadcasts and are the Quartet in Association at the Royal College of Music.

They will be playing a Beethoven quartet that was his own favourite among his late quartets, and of which it is said that upon listening to a performance Schubert remarked, “After this, what is left for us to write?” Thankfully Mendelssohn disagreed and wrote his beautiful quartet in A minor in memory of Beethoven which the Sacconis will also be playing, along with Purcell’s Fantasias

Find out more about the Sacconi Quartet