Mary Cooke

Season 2022-23 Final Concert: Tuesday June 6th 2023 Theatre by the Lake – Review by Steve Matthews of Measure for Measure – the Music of Shakespeare’s Time performed by PIVA, The Renaissance Collective.

“Blow, winds, and crack your cheeks! Rage! Blow!” cries King Lear in the storm on the heath, and the wind players of PIVA certainly blew with very swollen cheeks to create the sounds of Shakespeare’s theatre. Keswick Music Society‘s concert at Theatre by the Lake on Tuesday evening attracted a large and enthusiastic audience for […]

Season 2022-23 Final Concert: Tuesday June 6th 2023 Theatre by the Lake – Review by Steve Matthews of Measure for Measure – the Music of Shakespeare’s Time performed by PIVA, The Renaissance Collective. Read More »

Theatre by the Lake – Review by Steve Matthews of Brompton Quartet playing Haydn, Mozart, Shostakovich

“The Haydn’s bonkers,” said Edward Keenan, the viola player in The Brompton Quartet. And he was right. The playful, agitated, quizzical, quirky questioning of the opening phrases of Haydn’s String Quartet in C major set the pattern for the music that followed, uncertain, fragmentary, teasing but taking us on a journey that led to the

Theatre by the Lake – Review by Steve Matthews of Brompton Quartet playing Haydn, Mozart, Shostakovich Read More »


Our spring/summer 2023 season continues at Theatre by the Lake. The next concert is: Tuesday May 9th   7.30pm    The Brompton String Quartet The  Brompton Quartet was the winner of the St. Martin-in-the Fields Chamber Music Competition 2019 and is an up and coming ensemble known for its engaging and dynamic performances. The group is made

NEWS APRIL – JUNE 2023  Read More »

Review of Keswick Music Society Concert, Theatre by the Lake – Harriet Mackenzie, violin, and James Boyd, guitar.

The violin and guitar are complementary instruments. The violinist bows the melody, flowing, resonant, singing, with a powerful voice. The guitarist plucks the harmony, rhythmic, complex, with an intimate, thoughtful voice Harriet Mackenzie was statuesque, every inch a classical virtuoso in her elegant dress. James Boyd seemed, in all aspects, a folk guitarist, until his

Review of Keswick Music Society Concert, Theatre by the Lake – Harriet Mackenzie, violin, and James Boyd, guitar. Read More »


After our successful autumn/winter series of 4 concerts at St. John’s Church Keswick, the second half of the 2022-23 season began on February 14th at Theatre by the Lake with an unusual ensemble – violin and guitar. Harriet Mackenzie (violin) a multi-faceted virtuoso with “captivating, searing intensity and full of panache” (The Strad) and James

NEWS FEBRUARY – MARCH 2023 Read More »

Review of the Keswick Music Society Concert given by the Primrose Piano Trio at St. John’s Church Keswick.

Tonight, the famous Primrose Quartet became the Primrose Trio. However, first it was minus two. They were reduced to Susanne Stanzeleit on violin and Andrew Fuller on cello, but they were playing a remarkable display piece by the Norwegian composer, Johan Halvorsen. He had rewritten Handel’s dazzling harpsichord Passacaglia for the two instruments, and it

Review of the Keswick Music Society Concert given by the Primrose Piano Trio at St. John’s Church Keswick. Read More »

The Scott Brothers Duo – organ and piano – Keswick Music Society concert St John’s Keswick.

Two brothers, both in black, sitting with their backs to each other: one, Thomas Scott, at the keyboard of the Steinway grand with the lid defiantly open, and the other, Jonathan, almost hidden from view, commanding the magnificent Harrison organ with its two keyboards, its array of pedals, its fifteen stops and its towering assemblage

The Scott Brothers Duo – organ and piano – Keswick Music Society concert St John’s Keswick. Read More »


Keswick Music Society can now announce the new 2022-23 season, a season of two halves. Under their new arrangements, the Theatre by the Lake cannot give us our usual range of dates and days of the week from September to April, so we will hold the concerts in the first part of our season at