Sirocco Winds

St. John's Church, Keswick , United Kingdom

In this attractive programme that showcases all their instruments they take us on a journey around Europe from Sweden to France to Hungary including two rarely performed quintets with a short, light-hearted interlude from Austria, before visiting Spain, back through France and England, finishing back in their home, Scotland

Get Tickets £5.00 – £20.00

PIVA The Renaissance Collective

St. John's Church, Keswick , United Kingdom

This December PIVA will help ease you into the Christmas spirit, celebrating the Yuletide season by performing seasonal music and songs from Tudor and Elizabethan times. Winter in the 16th century could be harsh, but the Twelve Days of Christmas were filled with feasting, music, dancing, singing and revelry. PIVA will be capturing a flavour […]

Get Tickets £5.00 – £20.00

Korros Ensemble

St. John's Church, Keswick , United Kingdom

The Korros Ensemble performs with dynamism and flair, and the sound world they produce is lush and mesmerising. With a vision of introducing something new and original to the chamber music world, Korros continue to cleverly rework their favourite repertoire, creating an exciting and fresh way of listening to beloved orchestral, chamber and solo works. […]

Get Tickets £5.00 – £20.00

Kosmos Trio

St. John's Church, Keswick , United Kingdom

Kosmos are re-defining the relationship between classical and world music. Scottish, Jewish and Greek music glide into hot-blooded tango and Asian melodies, referencing classical composers including Corelli, Piazzolla and Sarasate, performed with fearless improvisation and impeccable technique. Prepare to be intoxicated by entrancing dance rhythms, soulful improvisation and gypsy passion delivered with inimitable panache and […]

Get Tickets £5.00 – £20.00

Emmanuel Bach, violin and Jenny Stern piano

St. John's Church, Keswick , United Kingdom

This concert is a chance to hear a true virtuoso violinist who won the Royal Overseas League String Competition 2018. Emmanuel is rightly gaining increasing recognition as an exceptional soloist, and as a chamber musician. Recent performances include recitals at Wigmore Hall and St. Martin-in-the-Fields, and a live-streamed masterclass on the Brahms Concerto with Maxim […]

Get Tickets £5.00 – £20.00